I'm sure all of us have experienced that special someone who walks into our lives and leaves a mark in it. It could be your soul mate, your spouse, your friend, your teacher, your neighbor or anyone else. Sometimes in life, you end up meeting people with whom you connect instantly. There is no prerequisite, no need or commitment to know anything about them before you meet 'em. You just click! Such people not only walk into your life unannounced but also make it wonderful by their cheerful and warm personalities. When you sit and chat with them ... it feels like you've known them for centuries and have this instant comfort level with them. You can talk to them about anything under the sun and pick up conversations like you never left them incomplete or hanging in the air. These are the people who come into your life and you know tout de suite that they were meant to be there; to fulfill an objective, to teach you a lesson, to help you find yourself in this ocean of humanity or just simply, to be by your side. They walk into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
When a person walks in for a reason, you know they will change your life for good. You could be going through the worst times in your life and they just appear out of nowhere to be your knight in shining armor. They will pick you up, dust off the hopelessness you're feeling and give your their shoulder to lean on while you learn to walk again. They are your guardian angels in disguise!
Some others will find their way into your life for a season. They are the fillers in your life who at certain points of time, will come and open up their hearts to you as much as you would to them! They help you grow as a human being, teach you life lessons and bring glorious peace within your heart. They feed your soul, enlighten your spirits and fill your being with laughter, happiness and joie de vivre! Sadly, they choose not to stay with us for an eternity ... they always move on. Such a person's zest for life, charismatic enthusiasm and energy live on with us forever ... never to be forgotten and always to be cherished!
My favorites are the ones who choose to stick it out with you for a lifetime. They are with you through every step of your life, showing you the right path, setting examples for you to follow and being a huge inspiration to you. We need to drink in all that they have to offer and make everyday count. We need to appreciate the beauty of their advice and gain experience from their travails!
At every point in our lives, when we think a door has shut on us ... another opens with a friend, philosopher, guide, standing there to help you in! I wonder how we are so blessed to have such fabulous and phenomenal people around us who walk in to our lives at the times we need them the most. We are blessed to have such individuals who change our lives for the better and for who, we will be our pure and untainted selves!
When a person walks in for a reason, you know they will change your life for good. You could be going through the worst times in your life and they just appear out of nowhere to be your knight in shining armor. They will pick you up, dust off the hopelessness you're feeling and give your their shoulder to lean on while you learn to walk again. They are your guardian angels in disguise!
Some others will find their way into your life for a season. They are the fillers in your life who at certain points of time, will come and open up their hearts to you as much as you would to them! They help you grow as a human being, teach you life lessons and bring glorious peace within your heart. They feed your soul, enlighten your spirits and fill your being with laughter, happiness and joie de vivre! Sadly, they choose not to stay with us for an eternity ... they always move on. Such a person's zest for life, charismatic enthusiasm and energy live on with us forever ... never to be forgotten and always to be cherished!
My favorites are the ones who choose to stick it out with you for a lifetime. They are with you through every step of your life, showing you the right path, setting examples for you to follow and being a huge inspiration to you. We need to drink in all that they have to offer and make everyday count. We need to appreciate the beauty of their advice and gain experience from their travails!

..certainly one of the biggest blessings of my life: the people that I am surrounded with!
Good & True one. I have experience this. Keep writing:)
Love this post...so so so true !
Love you !
Very well written. I especially like the "segmentation" of such people (reason, season, lifetime) - it is definitely true.
Yup.. there's no logical reason why two people get along ~ just get along, while some others don't.
It has nothing to do with their relationship, past histories, future goals, age, sex or creed. In fact the more you try to find a reason, the more you end up muddling something good. I guess you have to keep your heart open (albeit at the risk of some hurt) to make sure you don't miss these..
Although, I like your description and reasoning behind people who're there in your life for a 'season'... It's so true and I guess a good test of this is the fact that when you meet them again, you just pick up from where you left last without trouble or hiccup !.. Keep writing :)
@Pankaj: I guess its true for all of us ... Thanks! :)
@Vanita: Its amazing to experience such things...we are truly blessed! Thanks!
@Prutha: Thank you girl ...Love you too! :)
@Varun: Thanks so much :)
@Nike: The people of season could also be the ones who never come back ... probably that was how far you'll walked together! But the life lessons they teach us are beyond comparison .... Thanks! :)
So true.Nice one Cookies!
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