Friday, April 11, 2008

Back after long...

Just this morning a friend asked me if I could give her a synonym for the word "led" as in "led a project". I was blank! It was then that I realised how much I have actually been outta touch with words. When she asked me for some help, I immediately opened a new explorer window and went to my saviour - "". Merrily looked around and found words such as "piloted" or "advanced" and "took ahead". Technology has made me [I can speak for myself] so dependant that when in need I depend more on my computer than my very own brain!
So, I took needful steps and decided that I should start blogging and reading so as to improve my vocabulary and get to be more articulate. I was ashamed to admit to myself that I could not even find or remember simple words to support a conversation. Whatever happened to my communication skills, i thought? I just hope that my will power to continue this blog goes hand in hand with my determination to improve my linguistic ability ....
Till the next blog