Thursday, July 28, 2011

Epic "OH NO" Moments!!

    All of us have had an awkward moment at some point of time in our lives. It could range from pure embarrassing to graceless, floundering moments! No one is proud of them and everyone tries to avoid having one as far as possible! But as much as you try, you sometimes do fall prey to these uncomfortable moments much to the delight of those watching. Most times, you can look back and laugh at these incidents until and unless you did something really stupid like throwing away a prize winning lottery ticket in a garbage bin (true story by the way) in which case it wasn't even an awkward moment; just a blunder perhaps! I've had several such momentous experiences for which I should've just locked myself up in my room and hid under a pillow. 

   I think my biggest claim to shame was the time when I drowned in a swimming pool (Yeah!!!! Like who drowns in a pool when you're learning to swim??) and they had to rescue me. This moment just got me thinking of other random awkward moments in life. So, here are the top 60 I could think of .....

                                  You know you're having an awkward moment when

1. You ride an elevator with people you don't know .... worse still, when you are the ONLY person with another human in that elevator!
2.  You greet someone with a handshake but they go in for a hug and your hand is left in the air and instead finds their crotch! 
3.  You hold the door open for the person walking up behind you ... but you probably did not realize that the person was too far behind and you don't know if you should let the door go or just keep holding on! 
4. When you take your dog for a walk and it wants to "go" in front of a crowd of people . 
5. You unwittingly add someone to a message or an event you didn't mean to! Also, sending a text/email to someone that you were bitching about. 
6. You post something online with a very SERIOUS spelling mistake! I phone's are so popular for that! 
7. You have a foot-in-mouth situation... not literally because then that would just leave a bad taste in your mouth! 
8. You let go of some foo-foo rather loudly and everyone knows it's you! 
9. You go to someones house and they insist you see their family vacation photos .... mom and dad in swimming costumes ... TRAUMA!! 
10. Fail at a task that you're normally great at, that too after you've challenged the world that you can do it. 
11. Children will do exactly the opposite of what parents tell them to, in public.
12. You go visit the doc for annual body check-ups.
13. A stranger comes up to you and recognizes you and YOU, for the life of you, cannot remember him/her.
14. Your pants tear in public, making that ripping noise.
15. Someone points out to you that your fly is down! 
16. The teacher calls on you to answer a question in front of the class and you don't know the answer.
17. You trip in public!
18. Someone catches you listening to Rebecca Black's "Friday" on your I pod. (What is Rebecca Black doing on your I pod anyway?)
19. You are angry and screaming at the top of your lungs to make a point and the words come out all wrong! 
20. You are really the last person who didn't get that joke! 
21. Some people love to talk into your face from a one foot distance.
22. You call your teacher "mom/dad" in front of the whole classroom.
23. You try to drink out of a water spout and it spurts in your face!
24. You bump into your ex.
25. Someone points out that something is stuck in between your teeth.
26. You have those long pauses between conversations.
27. You turn your head and find someone staring at you OR you are staring at them and they catch you looking at them *Shudder*
28. You take down someones cell number but don't remember their names!
29. You are playing with a baby and don't know if if its a girl or boy and have to ask their parents. 
30. Teenage: acne, voices cracking, gawky looks ... the list is endless! 
31. You can't do simple math!
32. Someone asks you how the food they made was, and you find it difficult to lie.
33. A crow shits on you!
34. You miss a comma and it turns your sentence around for the worst! 
35. You're being sarcastic and the person believes you! 
36. You tell a joke and no one gets it!
37. You forget to pay someone and they have to remind you about it!
38. You're using someone else's poopy parlor and then it won't flush!
39. Someones taking a picture of only you in a roomful of people.
40. Someone catches your lie.
41. You receive a terrible birthday gift and you have to wear/use it in public.
42. The garbage collector is taking the trash out and you want to throw some garbage in the trash can.
43. Your friend is dating a jerk and you have to go out with them and be the third wheel.
44. You sit on a chair and it squeaks and people think you let go some gas!
45. You're talking to a person from a different culture and their names are cuss words in your language! 
46. You say "bye" and walk in the same direction.
47. You wave back at someone who it turns out was not waving at you.
48. Break wind in a public pool.
49. A booger manages to stay on the outside of your nose for everyone to view!
50. When you're in the middle of a conversation with someone and you zone out and then that person checks to see if you were listening. 
51. You fall asleep and start to droll in public view.
52. Your dress gets stuck in your behind when you get up from a seat.
53. Can't pronounce/spell everyday, regular words.
54. You try to talk after you've had an ice cream and your tongue can't pronounce correctly.
55. You are in a public restroom and your act of peeing is loud!
56. You tap some unknown person's shoulder, thinking it was someone you knew.
57. You call out to a fellow shopper for help thinking it was the salesperson.
58. You congratulate a woman on being pregnant and it turns out she's not! 
59. You ask your friend if the person they are with is their dad and they reply .... "that is my husband"! 
60. You figure out how most of these things have actually happened to you!  

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

That's where I want to be!

The soft sun on my face I feel, with mercurial drops from the rain that heal;
The breeze runs amok through my hair and into nothingness I crave to stare;
That's where I want to be, that's where I want to be!

Floating freely on a cloud, far away from the maddening crowd;
Watching the sun melt into the sea and lazily engage in my thoughts so free;
That's where I want to be, that's where I want to be!

Drift away like a frisky bubble, in my mind no more trouble;
Drown into the abyss of calm, grab hold of some time in my palm;
That's where I want to be, that's where I want to be!

Snuggled in your warm embrace, our eyes locked in a loving gaze;
Where we read each other's minds, our memories on constant rewind;
That's where I want to be, that's where I want to be!

But I'm jolted back to reality; factuality is a painful misery;
There's never an escape route well planned, to take me to my wonderland;
I wish I were in another place, where happiness I wouldn't have to chase;
I can only dream about a life so good ... I'd really try to if I could;
For now, here's where I'll be, forlorn, here's where I'll be!