Here I am...enjoying the very first snow of the season from the confines of my apartment. I'm wrapped up in two layers of warm clothing, eating hot khichdi and kinda lolling on the couch! Time to time, I look outside my window to marvel at the beautiful weather, watch the snowflakes drift by and hope that school will soon announce that it's shutting down for the day.

People have now stopped walking on the streets and are scurrying by in the hope that they get home soon before the situation worsens! Cars are getting slower to avoid sliding off the roads and life as we know it, has stopped!
In this given situation, along comes a jogger/runner--dressed in his tracks, beanie, gloves and a dri-fit tee matching his steps to the songs that his iPod's belting out. Running in -4 degrees Celsius, he makes me feel like a large Walrus lolling on the ground or a huge grizzly bear in hibernation! It makes me mad to the bone to see such extra-strong willed

people who will do anything to keep fat off their body and stay fit! Not that I'm a contender of obesity or that I love sitting at home but one has to agree that -4 is not the weather to jog/run in especially when it's snowing heavily outside!
While I'm here whiling away my time (not studying) and have spread myself out on the carpet, this man not only jogs but he does so for an hour and more because I see him return to the same spot an hour later (and YES! I was still "relaxing"). Such people I believe are the ones who will go home and update their facebook status messages to, "X says he jogged in the snow today ... what an amazing feeling"! And then to top it all will have a hundred people "liking" or commenting on his status message!
He might even give his so-called "fat" friends some "food for thought" on how they should make running their lifestyle and how they should regularize their workouts without missing a single day; just like he din't miss out on today even though the weather was so treacherous!
Does this man really think it makes him as cool as the ice to run in this kind of weather? Well, it may so be but I highly doubt if he knows to have real fun. Has he ever tried to sleep in late, does he know what it is like to fight against your conscience and not go the gym even though you've eaten tons of food, does he know what it is to stay indoors and warm during a snow storm, does he know how to give an excuse to skip a run, has he ever tried binging, does he? does he? DOES HE?
I'm guessing NOT .... but life is beautiful and it feels great to indulge in things that are not right once in a while and not be obsessed about them. So DIE RUNNER DIE....Die for making me feel so bad about myself on a perfectly happy, cheerful and relaxed day. You're not going to inspire Sirey, not today. I will sit in front of my laptop, wrapped up, binging on good, hot food and watch the world go from color to monochrome.
Lovely write up! And .. I must say a perspective.
If a person is running in such circumstances, hes beyond the initial attractions of losing weight, fitness and the likes.
That bragging of the miles done, weight lost etc. Because I know from experience that that doesn't last and if it does, running doesn't.
If he runs in this weather, hes one of those who runs to run!
It reminds me of a Harley Davidson patch which read, "If I have to explain, you'll never understand"
I was solely lashing out at him by making my own judgments...He must be a great man with all those genius-like qualities about him and he probably "runs to run" but he took me out from my lazy coma-like stupor on a snowy day. I love to HATE him! :P
Hey! That was me :P
hahhahaa......yes! Of course J! :P
Looks like he really struck a nerve with you! I'm sure he's one of those guys who just loves running no matter what the weather throws at him. Nonetheless, a very good write up. Also, I'm just happy I am not the runner 'cos I surely don't want to be the person to get you so angry!
ahhh he was just one of the guys who was an attention seeker ....may be he only runs when no one else would dare to and binges all the other sadist who gets pleasure seeing that people would be talkin about him and feeling bad about themselves ...
nevertheless "Die Runner Die" your blog surely brings a smile and rings a bell to think in not the regular way...the first thought people would have is to get impressed by someone with such will power but you surely made me think why would he do it other than routine....
dont blame me for a long comment i told you i m making a blog out of all comments on your blogs and msgs:P
LOL Ashu usual a different take than the other comments. Keep em coming! thank u so much! :)
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