The only thing that we can be certain about in this life is, well, death. As cold-hearted as it may seem, it is the truth. It is inevitable, unconquerable and foolproof. Dying doesn't just mean that your organs stop functioning or your heart stops beating. It is the end of life as you know it; it also suggests that you cease to exist. It means all the things you wanted to do and all people you wanted to meet, all your hopes, aspirations and dreams come to an end.
What is worse than death? Losing a loved one! There is nothing that compares to the loss of a friend, relative or pet. It is one of the most heart-wrenching and painful experiences of a human's life. The emotional loneliness that one deals with after the person is gone is unbelievable.
As ironic as it may seem, death doesn't always have to deal with life coming to an end. It is also very metaphorical. Sometimes a part of you dies; sometimes it is just the death of a vice and the emergence of a new beginning and sometimes it is the death of a relationship.
I have experienced two deaths today: One of a very close relative and the other of a very long and old relationship. Both very traumatic and difficult to get over. I'm sure over time I'll get over the fact that the cold hands of death snatched my relative away. However, it's going to be difficult to come to terms with the fact that it probably is time to let an old relationship go for no fault of mine.
I wish them both the best in the after-life and life, in general. I hope someday down the line, we can meet and sit and talk like the good old times. I hope we see how futile it was to ponder over the mundane things.
I love you both from the bottom of my heart. I release you and wish you well!
I have no will to weep or sing,
No least desire to pray or curse;
The loss of love is a terrible thing;
They lie who say that death is worse
What is worse than death? Losing a loved one! There is nothing that compares to the loss of a friend, relative or pet. It is one of the most heart-wrenching and painful experiences of a human's life. The emotional loneliness that one deals with after the person is gone is unbelievable.
As ironic as it may seem, death doesn't always have to deal with life coming to an end. It is also very metaphorical. Sometimes a part of you dies; sometimes it is just the death of a vice and the emergence of a new beginning and sometimes it is the death of a relationship.
I have experienced two deaths today: One of a very close relative and the other of a very long and old relationship. Both very traumatic and difficult to get over. I'm sure over time I'll get over the fact that the cold hands of death snatched my relative away. However, it's going to be difficult to come to terms with the fact that it probably is time to let an old relationship go for no fault of mine.
I wish them both the best in the after-life and life, in general. I hope someday down the line, we can meet and sit and talk like the good old times. I hope we see how futile it was to ponder over the mundane things.
I love you both from the bottom of my heart. I release you and wish you well!
I have no will to weep or sing,
No least desire to pray or curse;
The loss of love is a terrible thing;
They lie who say that death is worse