Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cold is the kiss of Death.

    The only thing that we can be certain about in this life is, well, death. As cold-hearted as it may seem, it is the truth. It is inevitable, unconquerable and foolproof. Dying doesn't just mean that your organs stop functioning or your heart stops beating. It is the end of life as you know it; it also suggests that you cease to exist. It means all the things you wanted to do and all people you wanted to meet, all your hopes, aspirations and dreams come to an end. 

     What is worse than death? Losing a loved one! There is nothing that compares to the loss of a friend, relative or pet. It is one of the most heart-wrenching and painful experiences of a human's life. The emotional loneliness that one deals with after the person is gone is unbelievable. 

      As ironic as it may seem, death doesn't always have to deal with life coming to an end. It is also very metaphorical. Sometimes a part of you dies; sometimes it is just the death of a vice and the emergence of a new beginning and sometimes it is the death of a relationship. 

      I have experienced two deaths today: One of a very close relative and the other of a very long and old relationship. Both very traumatic and difficult to get over. I'm sure over time I'll get over the fact that the cold hands of death snatched my relative away. However, it's going to be difficult to come to terms with the fact that it probably is time to let an old relationship go for no fault of mine. 

     I wish them both the best in the after-life and life, in general. I hope someday down the line, we can meet and sit and talk like the good old times. I hope we see how futile it was to ponder over the mundane things.

    I love you both from the bottom of my heart. I release you and wish you well! 

                      I have no will to weep or sing,
                      No least desire to pray or curse;
                      The loss of love is a terrible thing;
                      They lie who say that death is worse



Monday, January 31, 2011

Letters to the mind and more!

      I've been having trouble focusing on the task at hand (May be I have ADD and don't know it!). Right now, that task is concentrating on my books because my exams are literally five days away! Instead of concentrating on my work, my mind decides to take a walk (very often) on the fresh green grass, under the blue skies where the air smells like chocolate. A wandering mind is especially dangerous when you have things to take care of. It becomes extremely difficult to tie my mind down and bring it back to my textbooks. I don't blame it for wandering; after all those textbooks ain't a carnival! 

      I have tried so many things to make it stay focused--punishments, rewards, coaxing, meditation, eating, sleeping, anger and even encouragement--NOTHING WORKS! The problem is, I have far too many thoughts in my head that are ready to jump out like a hungry tiger lunges at its prey. Today, I sat down and tried to comprehend what was the best solution to get these thoughts out of my mind. Answer--writing them down!! I thought if I could physically get these thoughts out of my system, I'd be in a better position to work on my books. 

    So for my own good and sanity, I decided to write to things, people and animals that have been on my mind. This may seem retarded to you but I promise it works! From time to time, I do write letters to various entities (including things) just because I cannot say these things out in public because of social etiquette and such! Here are a few things that I have been thinking about:

Letter #1 

Dear Mr. Mind,

         I would really appreciate it if you could stay focused on my books instead of wandering around aimlessly and thinking about that cute guy at work today.

Thank you,

Letter #2

Dear Cute boy,

   You look just like Tom Cruise in Top Gun. You will turn me into a pedophile. Try taking your charms elsewhere .... Unfortunately, I'm married. Not that anything would've happened otherwise but there would be no guilt there then!

Hopelessly in-love with your good looks,
Ms. Crushed.

Letter #3

Dear adorable puppy,

   I have seen you far too many times on my street (twice a day at least). I want to squeeze you (till you're out of breath) and bite you (because you're so edible!). You are so cute that it is in general hazardous to my well-being. You fkuc with my brain in ways you don't even know. I want you ... I want to hug you and I want to kidnap you. I cannot get enough of you. I wait at my window everyday at 7:30am and 5:00pm, just to catch a glimpse of you. 

Yours affectionately,

Letter #4 

Dear wafting smell of freshly baked bread from Subway,

      Not that I'm on a diet or anything but I seriously don't have the money to buy you everyday and enjoy the delicious goodness that you are. You are especially fine on a cold, wintry, rainy morning .... so warm and exquisite to taste! Even if I did have the money to buy you everyday, I don't think I would like to see my body after three months of eating you. It is a sincere request...please don't waft into my window, building or elevator. You torture me!

Your fan,
Ms. Hungry.

Letter #5

Dear Stomach,

      Stop getting hungry every 10 minutes. You are making Mr. Body look ugly! Moreover, there are children on this planet who don't even get to eat .... You are so gluttonous that you could even eat those children! 

Thank you,
The person whose organ you are!

Letter #6

Dear Mr. Body,

    Stop accumulating all that fat inside of you ... I know you think it's time to hoard on all that lard for winter but I'm not really a Polar Bear who is hibernating. Also, it is not cold in the house ...we have heating you know. 

A plump-me.

Letter #7

Dear Facebook,

   You're like an umbilical cord that was never cut ... I am happy I found you but seriously stop seducing me. 

The person who makes Zukerberg look good.

And finally,

Letter #8

Dear textbooks/notes/index cards/assignment papers/theory papers/research papers and "Contrastive Rhetoric",

          QUIT BEING SO BORING!!!!!! X-(  X-(  X-(

A tired student.

Hoping this will help me get back to what I was supposed to do instead of wasting my precious time, writing a blog ... Not to say that blogging is a waste but you know what I mean. Oh well! Never mind!